RS99-17 Gel Blaster Review
RS99-17 Gel Blaster Review
Introduction of rs99-17 glock gel blaster
The rs99-17 gel blaster , also named as biu glock, which is designed and made based on the glock. The unique trait of the rs99-17 blaster is its foldable foregrip and hopper gelly ball bottle.
The gel ball blasters are revolutionary outdoor toys, both for kids age 12+ and adults; The blasters are safe and durable, shooting mess-free and easy to clean 7-8mm gel balls.
The rs99-19 toy blaster has a long shooting range, fully automatic, hopper-fed. High rate of fire with 7.4v lipo battery. Powered by pistol gearbox, it has decent power and less jamming since it's a hopper fed.
How to Use this blaster?
This video will give you an easy understading of the blaster
Performance of rs99 blaster
Our staff has played and tested this gel ball blaster for many times, and we indeed had a lot of fun shooting with it.
What you will get in the rs99-17 Package:

In Conclusion
The rs99-17 is the best toy blaster 2021 and 2022, it has a cheap price, normally around 50-60USD depending on the seller. The power of this gel ball blaster is just enough for kids & family to have fun without hurting each other. The foregrip balance the weight distribution, also making it has a cool appearance. Due to its good performance, players can just use it to shoot in a match out of box!
The only cons is that it is not upgradable. The battery cannot be upgraded to 11.1v, and there is almost non upgrade parts for it.
The biu blaster can ship it from USA warehouse with free postage, only 2-3 days to deliver!